Don’t Buy Spray Tanning Products Until You Answer These 3 Questions

When you run a tanning business, the <strong>spray tanning products</strong> you choose are going to make you or break you.  Pick the wrong ones, and you’ll never get any repeat business!

So, how do you pick the right ones?

Before you buy anything, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1.     “What’s on the label?”
If you assume that all spray tanning products are chock full of chemicals that are bad for your skin — and, thus, it doesn’t matter which ones you buy — you’re doing your customers a real disservice.  The truth is, lots of <a href=””>airbrush  tanning solutions</a> can actually be GOOD for your skin!  But you won’t know which ones those are until you look at the label.

What should you be looking for?

Start by looking for spray tanning products that are “paraben free”.  Then, look for ingredients that can give skin a boost — like antioxidants.  That way, your customers can fight off the tell-tale signs of aging (like wrinkles) while they tan!

If you really want to wow customers with your <strong>airbrush tanning products</strong>, look for organic options.  They’ll smell better, and they won’t contain a bunch of harsh chemicals that can be way too harsh for some people’s skin.

2.     “Who can help me if I need it?”

Good retailers understand that you may not be an expert when it comes to airbrush tanning products.  Whether you’re stuck between two options or are confused about the technique itself, good retailers will have spray tanning training resources that can help you make sense of it all.  In fact, a great retailer will even offer <a href=””>spray  tanning training</a> courses that can help you get certified in the first place!
By finding one of these retailers, you can rest easy knowing that anytime you have a question, they’ll be equipped to answer it for you.

3.     “Will this set me apart from my competitors?”
Let’s face it — you’re running a business, and that means coming up with reasons for people to pick you over your competitors.  In the tanning world, that means finding unique spray tanning products.

Instead of stocking your shop with the same ol’ airbrush tanning solutions and calling it a day, look for things that your customers will really appreciate.  For example, special tan-extending lotions and pre-tan exfoliators will help your customers see longer-lasting results.  If they know you can give them a tan that lasts twice as long as the competition, they’ll choose you in a heartbeat!

Looking for a retailer that has all of the right answers?  Look no further than the team at <a href=””>Artesian Tan</a>!

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