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Understanding how credit card online processing works for ecommerce businesses

Before start accepting credit and debit cards for an ecommerce business, there are few things you need to do. You need to have a Web site, a virtual shopping cart, an ecommerce merchant account, payment gateway, and a business bank account. A merchant account is a business and financial contract with a bank or a […]

Understanding credit card merchant account

A credit card merchant account or commonly known as merchant account is a bank account that allows a business to accept credit cards as payment for goods and services provided by the business. It is a relationship or an agreement between the business (acceptor) and the bank (a merchant acquiring bank) or a third party […]

Should your business accept credit cards online?

When you create a Web site for your business or service, you rave about what you offer. When someone visits your site, you should offer them efficient and quick means to order what you offer immediately and conveniently. Accepting credit card services offer convenience as well as immediate means of paying for goods and services […]

Finding a reliable credit card processing service

Accepting all forms of payments anywhere and anytime can increase sales for businesses. Businesses rely on credit cards, debit cards, electronics checks, and traditional checks for payment for goods and services provided. Paying with cash for goods and services are declining rapidly and the wealthy and upper-middle class in the U.S. is not paying with […]

How a Virtual Office Can Improve Your Business Image

An impressive office address and a professional office image can go a long way for a business. But renting an office at a prestigious location is beyond the reach of many new and small businesses. But with the development of technology it is now possible for you to use a prestigious office address as your […]

How You Can Have an Impressive Office Space in Dallas

Do you have a business in Dallas? If you do you will know how costly it is to maintain an office in Dallas. has the answer for you. Does your type of work require the use of a conference room regularly or less frequently? If your office space in Dallas is going to be […]

How to Avoid Workplace Crime Professionally

In the United States, employers lose millions due to theft. This could be an employee who is handling financial matters stealing money or employees stealing office supplies and expensive equipment. The median of monitory theft is more than $150,000, and the US businesses lose total of more than $40 billion every year. These thefts can […]

Why Background Checks are Important on Prospective Tenants

More and more employers and landlords tend to do background checks on their prospective employees or tenants. These background checks help avoid hiring a wrong employee or renting an apartment to a bad tenant. However, a landlord or an employer can’t do these checks just because they want to. There are many privacy laws that […]

Technology can make Healthcare Bill Payment Efficient

Already, many health care providers are using electronic systems to maintain patient records. The medical test records such as x-rays and scans are stored on computers. If a patient has to visit several doctors, these doctors can have access to patient’s healthcare records. This method has eliminated use of paper considerably. However, there’s one area […]

Does Your Office Space Come With All The Services?

As a result of the recession, many employers had to lay off workers and the number of empty office spaces also soared. However, a handful of states in the US such as California, Texas and New York still have a strong demand for office spaces. Especially in Northern California, tech startups are the reason for […]