Archive for the "Medical" Category

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3 Common Female Issues That Are Easy to Fix

When women have issues “down there”, it’s not something they like to talk about. However, if you’re suffering from any of these 3 problems, they’re easy to fix: 1. Heavy periods Since the beginning of time, women have been dealing with heavy periods – or, menorrhagia, as they’re known in the medical world. Whatever you […]

Gynecologic Surgery – 4 Ways It Can Help You

Going in for surgery is never fun, but for some women, it’s far better than trying to deal with a dangerous medical condition or a physical problem that’s damaging your self esteem. Whether you want vaginal plastic surgery or you have some kind of medical issue, gynecologic surgery can help you if: 1. You’ve suffered […]

The Many Uses of Vaginoplasty Surgery, for Both Women and Men

After turning twelve, or thereabouts, women incur a monthly visitor. Because Aunt Flow comes calling each month, it can be easy to forget the true meaning of her visits. Aunt Flow, a.k.a. the Crimson Wave, is actually a shedding of the uterus’ lining after a woman’s body has prepared for pregnancy but no conception has […]

Is Gastric Banding Different from Lap Band

When a doctor advices a patient to consider gastric banding surgery the patient might get confused if doctor mentions the lapband surgery as well. Most patients think it’s two different surgeries but the truth is that they both are the same thing. Laparoscopic gastric banding surgery is the second most common weight loss surgery, after […]

The Lap Band 411

With several weight loss surgeries being offered to patients, it’s hard to choose which one is right for each patient. Every surgery has its benefits but so far the lap band system has showed the most promise. This surgery will not only improve the way a person feels, but could also boost a person’s confidence. […]

Weight Loss Surgery Could Save Your Life

When a person is overweight, there are a number of illnesses that a person could get including high blood pressure, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes and many more. Most of these illnesses are hard to treat when a person’s health is not on the right path. With the lap band surgery, a patient will lose […]

Kiss High Blood Pressure Goodbye

High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems. Improperly taking care of a high blood pressure issue can leave a person open to the possibility of a heart attack or even death. High blood pressure is known as a “Silent killer” because it has no symptoms and a patient might not be aware that […]

The Lap Band Surgery and Its Possible Cures

Obesity-related medical conditions like high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and type 2 diabetes can become deadly if not taken care of in a timely manner. Most of these deadly medical conditions have always had a strong link to obesity. Some of the best sleep apnea help that a patient can get is to undergo weight […]

Adjust your Lifestyle & Sleep Better

Approximately 6 million of Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Many people can live with sleep apnea and not know it. Many won’t know until it is brought to their attention by another person. Sleep apnea occurs when a person experiences abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea, could potentially […]

Labia Surgery Beyond the Cosmetic

Sometimes found in children, but most typically observed in older adults, rectal prolapse is a serious condition that very often requires surgery to ameliorate. Surgery performs the task of repairing an anus-protruding rectum. The rectum is the end of the colon; when it projects beyond the anus, it can occur in the form of a […]